Friday, May 14, 2010


I love summers, and not necessarily that they mean warmer weather and a break from winter. Still being a student i love summers because i get a mental break from what's been going on. Then, by the time summer ends, i'm all set and wanting to go back to school. That mind set of actually wanting to go back to classes and start learning again is more important than some people give it credit for. You get some people that say just blow through school, get it done as fast as possible. I know some people can do that but i personally would burn out, and probably fast if i saw no mental break from it all. As much as i love school though, i am also excited to know some day, it'll be over.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How things change...

It's pretty amazing as you get older and look around at how much has changed around you.

Friends, they have grown with you or grown away from you. No matter how much they're still the same they're never exactly the same as they once were. Some move away, and some stay. You stay more in touch with the one who moves away then you do some of the ones who stay in the same area.

Environment, Buildings come and go. The places you used to visit are no longer there or have changed from what they once were. Our old hang out arcade Fat City has changed twice since we used to go there every weekend and play DDR until they kicked us out. It changed once to become Mr. Bigs, and is not Fun City. Sadly, we went there the other day and the DDR machine is no longer there.

Relationships, Another thing that comes and goes. Until you find that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Who you look at, and think of having children together with and it brings a warm smile to your face. Who no matter what arguments you have, you can't help wanted to smile when you see them. We learn so much from the people we have relationships with over time. Sometimes we learn more than others.

Family, If you're lucky, they are always there. They always have your back. I used to think this was the case with everyone. That everyone was as close as i am with my brother and sister, and have good times with their parents. I've since learned this is not always the case. People fight and never see any reason to make up. However even family changes. I had my first close family death this year. I have had great grandparents that have passed away but i was so young, i barely knew them. If i even met them. But 2 months ago now, my grandfather passed. I was maybe 6ft away when his body stopped, and i was the first to wake up and realize what happened. I will always miss him, and if there is an afterlife(something i'm sure i'll touch on sometime) i hope he is enjoying it.

we'll see where this goes, maybe it'll become something i post in regularly. we'll never know until it happens.

So it begins...

This isn't something that has magically struck me to do. A few of my friends have had their blogs up for a while, i just figured i could maybe start my own. So hello, and welcome, and we'll meet again.